Advanced Fair Housing: Legal Update in Grand Junction & by Webinar 10.09.18
Morning class & webinar:
Tuesday, October 9, 2018
Networking: 9:30am
Log in: 9:50am
Class: 10:00am to 11:30am
Presented by:
Annie Deprey Murphy, Esq.
Partner, Dufford, Waldeck, Milburn & Krohn, LLP
Who should come?
Property owners and landlords of single-family and multi-unit properties.
Instructor Annie Deprey Murphy will reviewing recent developments in fair housing law: HUD updates, court rulings, settlements, and enforcement agency actions.
By staying on top of legal developments, landlords and property managers are better equipped to avoid common problems that lead to fair housing trouble and have a better idea of how to resolve tenant grievances or complaints before they escalate into something more formal.
This class will be held live in Grand Junction and will simultaneously be broadcast as a webinar. Log-in information will be emailed to registered participants 48 hours prior to the class.
To Register, please see CHFA's website:
Free for CHFA members; non-members $50.